Josh saw the destruction and the suffering caused by the earthquake in Haiti, and decided that he had to respond.
Josh is dropping everything to go to Haiti in order to help establish an emergency orphanage with Emmanuel's Wish Foundation (EWF). He will be leaving February 19th to spend three months in the village of Deskoyte, an impoverished community of about 100 residents approximately four hours drive outside of Port au Prince. The EWF missionaries that are already on the ground have had to change gears quickly as they committed to the care of up to 150 earhquake orphans.
While in Haiti, Josh will:
- help to take care of the children;
- do odd jobs around the property as required;
- visit the injured children in the hospital until they are well enough to be released to the orphanage;
- deliver clothing and emergency supplies while waiting for the container of supplies to arrive;
- anything else that needs to be done to meet the tangible physical, social, and spiritual needs of these children.
Josh has caught the meaning behind the words of James, the brother of Jesus, who said that,
"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress" (James 1:27).
Josh's financial needs for the trip have already been met, but if you wish to donate toward EWF's work, you can contact them directly here.
Please be in prayer for Josh, for his travels, and for his work for the Kingdom.
Beautiful Josh! We'll keep you in our prayers as you minister to the hurting.... keep your eyes on Him and HE will direct your path. love you!