Busloads of children have been arriving at a Haitian church funded by Emmanuel's Wish, and the church has been recommissioned as a temporary orphanage for children who require immediate need.
Not only do they need ongoing financial aid, but they have provided a wish list to meet immediate needs. Our goal at Servolution is to assist the filling of a 40' Container with the following items:

- clothes of all sizes, especially kid's clothing
- diapers
- formula
- bibs
- soap
- baby wipes
- body wash
- baby lotions
- play pens
- bouncy chairs
- Canadian Tire money
- exersauers
- strollers
- pottys
- bumbo chairs
- high chairs
- carseats NOT expired
- towels
- bed lines for single beds
- bunk beds
- baby toys
- toddler toys
- children's books
- Bibles
- inspirational books for all ages
- black dolls and inspirational books about black people
- children's bikes
- adult bikes
- utensils
- plastic or non breakable plates, bowls, cups
- large cooking pots
- kitchen linens
- non perishable food
- school supplies/office supplies
- pencils
- pens
- paper
- white out
- envelopes
- computer (new)
- computer paper
... and of course, your prayers.
Please bring your donation to Emmanuel or contact us at Servolution.
A final thought from an Emmanuel's Wish Foundation volunteer:
We are also in need of long term commitments to care for these children. When the media coverage dies down and the rest of the world turns to the next news story- we will still be committed to caring for these children.
Please also remember that there will be a special offering for Haitian relief this Sunday at Emmanuel, which will help to support relief efforts through
The FAIR programme and Emmanuel International.
Please prayerfully consider how you can help us to share the love of Christ in this very tangible way.
Thanks for creating the opportunity for us to give.
ReplyDeleteThank you for providing such practical ways to help in a sort of "hands on" kind of way. Great idea, since they are so close to us, to send these items...something new for them to hold and use and feel human again. A great way to express our love when we can't be there to hug them ourselves.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see a giant pile of much needed items in the atrium! Let's DO IT!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding us also that this will be an ongoing project and that to remain practical in our giving and prayerful always for these little ones.
ReplyDeleteLet's do it Emmanuel!!!! Excited to help. I was watching the images on the t.v. screen feeling like I should be able to just reach out and give them a cup of clean water to drink. I'm thankful for a way to actually help.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, if I could, I'd like to just wrap my arms around some of those sweet little babies and hold them for a while.
Praying for Haiti.