Monday, October 19, 2009

Current Service Opportunities

Servolution wishes to respond to needs in our communities by providing connections between the needs and people with the resources to respond to those needs.

Here are some current, and some urgent, needs... Please consider how you can use your time or resources to demonstrate the love of Christ. Here are some of the current needs:
  1. A donation of a crib for a client of the Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre;
  2. People of all ages to visit with the elderly for a group visitation & hymn sing this Friday, October 23rd (it's a school holiday!) from 2:30-3:30 pm;
  3. Winter clothing donations for street outreach to those in need -- bring your donations of gently used Coats, Hats, Mitts, Gloves, Boots etc, in Children's and Adult sizes, to Emmanuel Barrie on October 25th or November 1st;
  4. Volunteer once per month (just a couple of hours) with Barrie Out of the Cold. Plan to attend their Volunteer Orientation and Recruitment meeting at the Christian Reformed Church on Shirley Avenue (between Anne Street and Sunnidale Road, Barrie) on Saturday, October 31st, 9:00-11:00 am. Check out the volunteer vacancy chart here;
  5. Continue to look for ways to demonstrate the love of Christ daily through simple acts of kindness... Leave a servolution card to point people to the good news on the website!
  6. The Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre needs volunteers -- see below:

The Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre is a Christian organization that needs volunteers: The PRC is a

non-profit organization offering compassionate support and assistance to anyone facing an unplanned pregnancy or experiencing post-abortion stress. The centre receives no government support, but is funded by churches, individuals, and businesses. This support allows us to offer valuable services at no cost to our clients.

Here are some ways to get involved with the Barrie Pregnancy Resource Centre:

  1. Help with the annual Dads 'n' Daughters Fundraiser event: Donate to the silent auction, decorate, serve food, set-up and tear-down... and plan to attend. Planning for this event is happening now, so please don't hesitate to volunteer. Dads 'n' Daughters (8 and up) will be hosted by Emmanuel Barrie in February;
  2. Volunteers are need to work at the Centre;
  3. The Centre has an ongoing need for a person with fundraising experience.

For contact information for any of the needs listed above, please contact

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