Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sunday Service or Sunday Serving?

Someone recently described their dilemma: This person was invited to participate in a walk for cancer research. The problem? The walk was scheduled for a Sunday, and it meant missing church.

That can be a difficult choice for some of us to make, right? We want to participate in the community and support a worthy cause, but we also know that we have a need and a desire to attend our regular church service.

It made me think of the story of Jesus and the healing of the blind man on the Sabbath (see John 9). The Pharisees (the religious leaders) completely overlooked the miracle, and instead they indicted Jesus for working on a holy day (verse 16). But this is what Jesus said:

As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world (verse 4).

What did Jesus mean when he talked about day and night? Jesus was living out his mission in the shadow of the cross, and his work needed to be completed no matter what day of the week it was. Notice also that he said "we must do the work"... he included the disciples in his mission.

Jesus used this as a lesson to the religious people that were there: "I have come into this world so that the blind will see" (verse 39). This story is about belief... the blind man could see, and he believed. This story is about proclaiming... Jesus shone his light in the world so that the blind would see... and believe.

In a famous sermon, Jesus told his followers,
"You are the light of the world" (Matthew 5:14).

Until Jesus returns, the responsibility falls to us, his followers, to shine his light so that the blind will see. Jesus was accused of not keeping the sabbath by doing his work... what will they say about us if we choose to shine our light outside of the church walls on a Sunday?

What if a group of Christ-followers showed up to support the walk for cancer research?
What would that say to the un-churched people there? How brightly would our light shine?
Here's a challenge: What if a group of Christ-followers showed up wearing servolution t-shirts (we got 'em!)? What if people asked why you were there and what your shirt means?

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